Greens select Daniel Laycock as Green Party candidate to stand in the General Election.

Yesterday (Tuesday 29th October), MP’s voted to call a snap General Election to be held on 12 December, with polling stations being open between 7am and 10pm. 

Daniel, 31, who was elected as Leader of the local party in March, has been campaigning in the constituency since his selection. 

He explained: “With a General Election, it is to be the most important election in a generation. This election is not about Brexit, which Boris Johnson think this will be about. 

We are facing a Climate Emergency. The biggest crisis the planet has ever faced. The Green Party is the only party that has the bold and radical plan to transform our country for a greener and fairer society.

Now is the time to end austerity that this Government has forced upon millions around the country, putting 4 million children into poverty and seeing food banks continue to rise.

We’ve seen a lack of investment on public transport, education which has seen hugh pressure of our teachers. 

The Green Party, would end SATs exams and abolish OFSTED. Teachers need to teach. 

I will stand up for those who need access to better jobs, education and skills. I’ll also continue to stand up for the LGBTIQ+ community who face homobphoic and transphobic abuse. 

With Labour now adopting a Green New Deal, we know when Greens lead, others follow. 

The IPPC continue to warns us things need to change. Only The Green Party has the bold and radical plans to tackle the climate crisis. 

On 12th December, vote Green for your voices to be heard and an MP that will stand up for you.”

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