Green Party Leader calls on Local Authorities to Declare a Climate Emergency

Declare a Climate Emergency

The Leader of Huntingdonshire Green Party has launched a petition to call on all local authorities to declare a climate emergency. 

Daniel Laycock, Leader of the local party is urging Huntingdonshire District Council, Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough & Cambridgeshire Combined Authority to declare a climate emergency after the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has warned Governments across the globe are not doing enough to reduce carbon emissions. 

From a recent report the IPPC recommended Governments must take action on carbon emissions by 2030.

Daniel said: “Following the recent report from the IPPC, we have 10 years left to tackle the climate crisis.

The new Government will be in power for half of that time. All local authorities need and must do more to reduce not only their own carbon emissions but they need to declare a climate emergency, force the Government to do more, invest to see reduction on carbon emissions not only across the county but across the county.”

The former Green Party parliamentary candidate campaigned during the General Election for a Green New Deal. 

“The Green New Deal will create new jobs, not see redundancies, see a transformation on our transport network, energy sector and much more. I hope each local authority will see the irreversible damage that will be done if we do not act. We must act now before it’s too late.

I’m calling on all parties, organisations and anyone who’s demanding action on the climate crisis across the county to join with us to demand action and not just words.” 

Sign up the petition here:

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