Catherine Goodman: “Cambridgeshire County Council and The Combined Authority must decide now whether to benefit all of society, or continue to prioritise big business at the expense of everyone else.”
Huntingdonshire Green Party are calling the Mayor for the Combined Authority and Cambridgeshire County Council to act on the Climate Crisis following an initial report by the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Independent Commission on Climate Change (15 March) [1] [2].
Catherine Goodman, Coordinator for the Huntingdonshire Green Party has launched a petition [3] demanding that the Mayor for Cambridgeshire & Peterborough and Cambridgeshire County Council enact substantial reductions in carbon emissions across the county by 2029 and changes to the system before this causes irreversible damage.
Goodman said: “Action is urgently needed as highlighted by this report, rather than false promises. Carbon emissions in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough are 25% higher than the UK average. We need real leadership on the biggest crisis we are facing in our generation.”
Within the next six years, we need to see a complete change in our system, that would include [1], vibrant green spaces, a thriving natural world, better insulated and ventilated homes, cleaner air, high quality job opportunities in a growing green economy, better public transport, and improved health and well-being.
With Greens elected on the County Council, we can ensure a Green Future for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough by holding the Combined Authority and County Council to account.
“The task ahead is huge, but with Greens in the room, we can fight for a Greener future through a just transition that does not leave marginalised communities behind. Local investment in a green infrastructure can deliver the decarbonisation of our electricity systems, our industries, our transport and our homes.”
“During a climate and ecological crisis, we need to incentivise the most effective ways to reduce emissions and provide everyone with a greener future.”
“Our local government should decide now if it wants to benefit all of society, or if it wants to continue prioritising big business at the expense of everyone else.”
Notes1. https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/6985942/CLIMATE%20COMMISSION%20REPORT_Final.pdf