Greens respond to Joint Administration agreement at Cambridgeshire County Council

  • Catherine Goodman: “Though this is welcome news, and an end to Conservative maladministration, the lack of BAME and LGBTIQA+ inclusion is shocking and we believe there are other areas that still need to be addressed by the Council’s leadership.”

Huntingdonshire Green Party has welcomed news of a Joint Administration at Cambridgeshire County Council following an agreement reached between the Liberal Democrats, Labour and Independent Group to form a ‘Joint Administration’.ยน

Coordinator Catherine Goodman said: “A new administration at Cambridgeshire County Council is welcome news, with the joint administration placing the climate and biodiversity emergency at the forefront of their agreement.”

“These plans are a welcome step and we are pleased to see the Joint Administration is aiming to make the County Council carbon neutral by 2030.  We look forward to seeing their plans laid out in the coming months. We also hope to see details of how the Council will support carbon neutrality on District and Parish Councils, as well as in our local communities.

“However, we believe there are areas that need addressing by the Council’s leadership. We need to see the County Council’s pension fund divested of fossil fuels as well as measures to transition to a complete net carbon zero Council and County, with real targets and plans.  This includes investment in green transport, sustainable housing, green jobs, and utilising the County Council’s farm estate to produce locally sourced food throughout Cambridgeshire.”

“Cambridgeshire residents deserve real investment in robust flood defences.  This is necessary  to prevent the recurring flooding that has affected peoples’ lives over many years due to underfunding by successive Conservative administrations, in both our towns and villages.”

“Both the County Council and Combined Authority should cancel new road building projects across the county. These projects increase carbon emissions and have adverse effects on our landscape. We call on the County Council to use funds previously earmarked for road building to prioritise funding of public transport.”

“We need real commitments on the protection of clean and breathable air in our towns. We expect to see an overarching strategy on mental health provision, particularly following the past year when green spaces and parks have proved essential for boosting the well-being of Cambridgeshire residents.” 

“Within the Joint Administration agreement there are positive steps, but it is lacking priority policies for youth support and centres for young people.  We expect to see investment and long term goals for well-funded facilities and safe spaces for young people.”

“I am deeply disappointed to see that the Joint Administration agreement lacks any coverage of support for our black, ethnic minorities and LGBTIQA+ communities.  Hate crimes have increased across the county since 2016.  It is deeply hurtful for Cambridgeshire’s large communities of black, ethic minority and LGBTIQA+ people to see that the new Joint Administration has apparently forgotten about them.”

“No one in Cambridgeshire should be forgotten or left behind.  I hope the new administration reconsiders this oversight and works together with all of the diverse communities across our beautiful county.”

Notes to Editor:

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