The Green Party is growing fast. We now represent people in Westminster and in a record number of local councils, as well as in the London Assembly.
Here in Huntingdonshire, following the council elections in 2018, we are currently working to elect our first Green Councillors to add that much needed voice to the Council chamber to address the critical issues that the older parties are not even discussing.
We’re working progressively on local issues; to improve the lives of all people in Huntingdonshire, and to improve our local environment. As part of the Green Party of England & Wales, we share a deep concern for social and environmental justice, expressed through our national policies, we believe fair is worth fighting for.
We rely on people power rather than corporate finance in all that we do. Get involved with us today so that we can achieve so much more for Huntingdonshire.
The Green Party Political Programme sets out what Greens are in politics to do: to end the system that keeps hurting the environment and all of us who rely on it – and to build a better alternative.
This Programme isn’t like other parties’ manifestos, it has not been squeezed through focus groups and stripped down according to the latest polling. Instead it has been built from policies proposed and voted on by our members, looking to secure the long term future of the places and people they love.
It’s a vision of a better world, and together we can deliver it.