Huntingdonshire Green Party is working harder than ever to support local residents across the district. It is important to build our vote by offering a clean, bold and truly democratic alternative at the ballot box.
Green Party activists work all year round, not just at election time. Every day, members are out on the streets, come rain or shine, delivering leaflets, talking to voters and building support by making a huge difference in local communities.
We know how to succeed, but while our determination and enthusiasm are priceless Huntingdonshire Green Party relies on regular donations from members and supporters to keep building and run ongoing campaigns to win more seats on more local councils:
- £200 will pay for a local leaflet to 5000 households.
- £20 will pay for printing posters for a local election campaign
- £10 per month enables us to support growth at a grass roots level all year round, an essential task.
Whatever you can afford is valuable to us. The Green Party is needed in Huntingdonshire now more than ever before…
Other political parties and the political elite benefit from cash from big business or trade unions but our independence means we have to ask our supporters to give as much as they can. We make sure your money goes a long way in Huntingdonshire.
How you can donate
Want to make a monthly donation? Use the form above!
Want to set up a standing order? Instruct your bank to make a standing order payment to “Huntingdonshire Green Party”, Co-op Bank account number 65813863, sort code 08-92-99.
Want to send a cheque? Please post it to Catherine Goodman, Huntingdonshire Green Party, 138 Duck Lane, St. Neots PE19 2DA.